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Read on to find answers to some frequently asked questions regarding Healthy Hyde. If you still have further inquiries, feel free to contact us for further information.

What is a Primary Care Network?
PCNs build on existing primary care services and enable greater provision of proactive, personalised, coordinated and more integrated health and social care for people close to home. Clinicians describe this as a change from reactively providing appointments to proactively caring for the people and communities they serve.

How is Healthy Hyde PCN different to my GP Practice?
Healthy Hyde PCN although works closely with all eight Practices in Hyde, is a slightly different service. Each of the practices we work with have a partner that sits on our board to influence the Primary Care Networks strategic objectives and direction. We offer services to directly support practices & relieve pressure on the practices themselves so they can concentrate on really complex issues. We offer an ambulatory care service, to deal with day to day issues such as chest infections, UTI's and more, thus creating more capacity for the practice itself. We also manage all the carehome patients in the area on behalf of the practices with our specialist team of Complex Case Nurses. Finally we also manage the Covid & Flu vaccination service for the area and the Extended Access weekend & evening appointments.

Can I walk in and get an appointment?
We operate an appointment only service. To get an appointment please contact your practice.